Daniel St-Onge / Books

from adventure to writing

Michel O'toll rides again!

Thirty years after the publication of his first and popular novel, Llanganati or the Curse of the Inca, Daniel St-Onge is putting it back into circulation, as well as his three other titles in the series, The Adventures of Michel O'toll.

After the transfer of his rights by Editions Triptyque, the author worked to revise and rework his titles, which he now offers you in digital version (ePub)*, available on the literary platforms Apple Books and Google Play Books.

* The ePub format allows reading of books on desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

The series The Adventures of Michel O'toll, 2025 edition, includes*:

Llanganati / The Forbidden Treasure 

Trekking / The Trail of the Missing Children

The gri-gri / Plots and Curses

Bayou Mystery / Spicy Revenge

* The series will soon be translated into English.

About my novels

I write novels that could be described as morals and adventures. A work of fiction to which is added a joyful mixture of personal experiences, incredible action, and phantasmagorical phenomena.

With my series The Adventures of Michel O’toll, I take my readership beyond exotic history or detective intrigue. I always take a critical look at various social issues in our world while introducing people to the cultural richness of the country where the action takes place, sometimes with humor, but always with respect for differences.

More anti-hero than hero, Michel O’toll is, in many ways, my alter ego. Like him, I was a journalist-writer; like him, I have traveled the world in search of discoveries, adventures, or as a volunteer…

the forbidden treasure
The Forbidden Treasure 

(ePub, 2025)

Michel O'toll flies to Quito to try to elucidate the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and tragic death of his friend Paul Duclos. However, he finds himself drawn into an incredible adventure when he discovers that his friend was murdered by obscure Inca treasure hunters. His quest to unmask them will lead him to the strange world of the Llanganati Mountains.

In doing so, he will cross paths with characters as colorful as they are surprising, including a charming compatriot who is a follower of the I Ching; an old Chilean friend who is as courageous as he is rustic; an intriguing Hacienda owner; a skillful and insightful Indian guide; and a yachag, a kind of medicine man, who can read the future and speak with the dead! The latter will warn Michel O'toll as he enters the Llanganati Mountains: "Be careful not to go beyond the permissive!"

Available in ePub on:

the trail of the missing children
The Trail of the Missing Children 

(ePub, 2025)

Michel O'toll arrives in Nepal, where he plans to undertake a Himalayan trek in the legendary Solo Khumbu region: land of the Sherpa people and the majestic Mount Everest.

A pleasant stay that will suddenly turn into an incredible adventure, following the meeting of a miserable rickshaw driver from Kathmandu, the latter's despicable boss, as well as a strange little Buddha, who asks him to help elucidate the mysterious disappearance of Sherpa children. His mission: to go and meet the rimpoche of Tengboche, the lama Naej Sioul Cauorek, who will be able to advise him to solve the enigma. But why would Michel O'toll would agree to let himself be drawn into such a story? "The truth does not have to be justified!" the little Buddha will retort...

In short, Michel O'toll agrees to embark on the trail of the missing children. A trek that will take him first to Namche Bazaar, then to Tengboche. Joining him will be the unfortunate rickshawman, a young Sherpa guide with the appearance of a European thug and a pretty volunteer, as perceptive as she is sensual...

Available in ePub on:

plots and curses
The gri-gri
Plots and Curses 

(ePub, 2025)

Michel O'toll is sailing the waters of the Saint Lawrence River with his friend Hervé Jigger when they rescue an African migrant who fell overboard from a Belgian-flagged ore carrier. Unfortunately, the survivor dies of hypothermia after trying to stammer a few incomprehensible words. But a curious amulet he wears around his neck intrigues Michel O'toll.

However, his quest to learn more about the said gri-gri and the tragic death of the expert friend charged with examining it will lead Michel O'toll to the Republic of Guinea, on the trail of a pretty and intriguing African nurse: Fatoumata Diallo.

In the teeming streets of Conakry, Michel O'toll will meet a singular son of a griot, who will help him to elucidate this incredible affair, to which will be added unscrupulous individuals, engaging in vile trafficking...

Available in ePub on:

Spicy Revenge
Bayou Mystery
Spicy Revenge

(ePub, 2025)

At the request of his editor, Michel O'toll flies to Louisiana to attend a conference on Francophone American literature. He is welcomed and hosted by Jean Thibodeaux, professor emeritus of Cajun history and culture at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

However, what was supposed to be a pleasant cultural stay in the land of the bayous suddenly turns into a police intrigue involving parcel bomb attacks, a love triangle, and a sordid murder against a backdrop of supremacist extremism hostile to the rebirth of the French fact in Louisiana...

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